If you have any improvements or suggestions for My Creative Job, please contact us, as it will help us to improve your experience across the site!

V.1.1 (28th October 2013)

Saved Company Details: you don’t have to input the same information twice. This includes all of your company information such as Company Description and Application Email Address.

Twitter Integration: automatically letting our followers know about new job posts. Each time you post or edit one of your listings it will automatically post the tweet. You will need to have your twitter @handle on the ‘Post a Job’ page when you submit a job for this to work.

Separate Job Post Packages: so you can see which package you have chosen on the ‘Choose a package’ step of the job posting procedure.

Job Reference Box: we understand that if you’re a larger recruitment agency/company that is posting multiple jobs its handy to have your reference number to tally things up. We’ve added this to the ‘Post a job’ facility and it will show on a prominent location on the job listing.

Salary Box: an optional feature letting job hunters view the prospective salary. We’ve added this to the ‘Post a job’ facility and it will show on a prominent location on the job listing.

V.1.0 (4th October 2013)
My Creative Job is launched!